
Controlling Berry Dryness Phenomenon by Using Some Mineral Fertilizers in “Flame Seedless cv.” (<em>Vitis vinifera</em> L.)

Author : Magda N. Mohamed and Haitham M.A. Mohamed

Lately some symptoms ofberry dryness (BD) began to appear on
the clusters around veraison stage or later. The occurrence of these
symptoms is associated to the berry death, and they may or may not drop
off. As a result, supply of water and nutrients are limited, leading to grape
berries with less sugar, remain sour and eventually dryness. Thus, the
present investigation was carried out at Behaira governorate during two
successive seasons (2021and 2022) with a preliminary season 2020 to
control the berry dryness (BD) of “Flame Seedless cv.” (Vitis vinifera L.)
by using some mineral compound fertilizers in order to detect the cause of
this phenomenon. Fifteen year-old vines, planted in a sandy soil, spaced
2×3 meters apart and irrigated by drip system, cane pruned and trellised by
Gable system. The vines were pruned during the last week of December
with bud load (96 buds/vine). The experiment included 6 foliar spray
treatments; the control and five combined mineral treatments for calcium,
magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. Obtained results revealed that
treating the vines by a combination ofCa 26% + K 7% + Mg 10% + P 44%
recorded the highest values for both vegetative and reproductive growth
and reduced the berry dryness phenomenon.

Keywords : Flame seedless cv., Grapevines, Mineral fertilizers, Berry dryness phenomenon.,

Received:3/25/2023 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 4/15/2023 12:00:00 AM