The present study was carried out during 2017 and 2018 seasons on Zaghloul date palm cultivar
(Phoenix dactylifera L.) grown in El Adlia, Blbas, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. To evaluate effected of nine
different fertilizer treatments1 - control (0.0 N), 2- full nitrogen (N) dose (100%) as mineral fertilizer
(recommended rate 1000 g / date). 3- quarter organic fertilizers + 3/4 mineral. 4- half-N dose as organic fertilizers
+ half as mineral. 5- full N dose as organic fertilizer. 6- quarter organic fertilizers + 3/4 mineral + bio-fertilizers
(EM). 7- half-N dose as organic fertilizers + half as mineral+ bio-fertilizers. 8- full N dose as organic fertilizer+
bio-fertilizers. 9- bio-fertilizer on yield and fruit quality Zaghloul date palm cultivar. Results showed that
“generally” bio-fertilization treatment registered the highest values of bunch characters, bunch weight and
yield/tree. The least values of bunch characters, bunch weight and yield/tree recorded by the control treatment.
Fruit physical and chemical quality improved with full N dose as organic fertilizer + bio-fertilizers (EM)
Keywords : Date palm, fertilizer, organic, bio-fertilizer, fruit properties,
Received:1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM