Infestation and Parasitism Dynamics of the Leaf Miner <em>Liriomyza trifolii</em> in Different Pea (<em>Pisum sativum</em> L.) Varieties

Author : Ekram A. Abdou; E. A. El-Sarand, Mohamed G. Ghazy; Zienab A. E. Hassanein and Elsayed A. Refaei

Pea (Pisum sativum L.), a cool-season crop of global significance, serves as a vital source of nutrition, with green seeds consumed as vegetables and dry grains as staple food. Among its pests, the leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is one of the most destructive, causing substantial damage to pea plants. This study, conducted in El-Rahmaneia region, Beheira Province, during the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 seasons, aimed to survey insect pests and investigate infestation patterns of L. trifolii on pea varieties. The research focused on infestation percentage, larval counts, mines, seasonal abundance of L. trifolii, and parasitism by hymenopterous parasitoids. Ten insect pests were identified, including five Hemiptera species and one species each from Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, Tetranychidae, and Diptera. Infestation varied significantly among varieties, with the highest on Entisar 2, followed by Sokari and Master B. Predators observed included 11 species across six orders, while parasitoids comprised 20 species from six families of Hymenoptera. Key parasitoids included Opius dissitus (Braconidae), Diglyphus sp., and Diglyphus isaea (Eulophidae). Significant differences in infestation and parasitoid activity were linked to temperature and relative humidity, with peaks observed in October and December. D. isaea was the predominant parasitoid, contributing to 54.55%, 50.00%, and 33.33% parasitism in the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 seasons. Natural parasitoids, particularly D. isaea, played a crucial role in suppressing Liriomyza populations, highlighting their importance in integrated pest management programs for sustainable pea production.

Keywords : Parasitoids, integrated pest management (IPM), pea varieties, seasonal abundance, biological control,

Received:5/5/2024 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 6/10/2024 12:00:00 AM